top five: glutes

Not only do the glutes contribute strongly to an aesthetic physique but are also of importance for hip power, pelvic stability and to unload the lower back.
   And who doesn’t want a nice set of well-shaped and rock hard glutes? Here are the best exercises to build the glutes.

Hip thrust

The exercise with the highest glute peak contraction. On the downside, the position may seem a bit awkward at first and the exercise’s ROM isn’t the greatest, but all in all a great exercises to build the glutes.
   Perhaps the best.


The king of all exercises and the foundation in most serious trainees’ programs. Build up your squat strength and you will be strong overall with muscle mass added to the lower back, thighs, hips - and glutes.

Bulgarian split squats

A bit more unstable and takes twice the time since you work both legs - with soreness accordingly. If you’ve ever wondered which exercise causing the most pain when going to the “you know what”, I’ll tell you here and now: it’s split squats.
   Bulgarian split squats to be exact.
  The uniqueness lies in that the exercise provides a good glute stretch in the bottom while also stabilizing the pelvis in the frontal plane which puts the glutes under some serious tension. And on top of that, with Bulgarian split squats, relatively heavy weights can usually be handled (as opposed to regular lunges or step-ups). And with weights follow strength and mass.
   Like glute mass for instance.

Glute bridge

This is Hip thrust’s well mannered little sister. A bit more stability, slightly less ROM and higher loads. Bring ‘em plates and start bridging.

Back extension with a flat back

Back extensions can be performed in several ways:

-With rounded back (spinal erectors doing the most work).

-With a flat back (the spinal erectors work isometrically while the hip extensors do the hardest work concentrically/eccentrically).

-A combination of both (hip and trunk flexion/extension).

We recommend the second version since it mostly focuses on the glutes while also sparing the lower back since spinal flexion is omitted. Work in the 10-15 rep range and add weight if necessary. Visualize how the glutes pull the upper body up and the back muscles only contributing to stability - avoid using them more than necessary.

There you have it, top five exercises to build a pair of round, strong and functional glutes to fill out your jeans or training pants. Here are some guidelines:

Train glutes 2-3 times per week, depending on volume and intensity, preferably on ‘lower body days’.


Squats, 4x6
Hip thrust, 4x8
Bulgarian split squats, 3x8-10
Calf exercise
Hamstring exercise


Squats, 3x8
Hip thrust, 3x10-12
Glute bridge, 3x15-25
Back extension, 3x12-15
Calf exercise
(Quadriceps exercise)

Build up strength over time and measure the hip circumference every other week or once a month to evaluate progress.

And in four to six months, be prepared to invest in new pants to make room for and matchyour newfound glute muscles.

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